
From Champion’s Reverse Weave, a sweatshirt with spring specifications is now in stock!
The lining is made of French terry cloth that feels like pile, making it light and comfortable to wear.
This item can be used for three seasons, and is recommended for those who are not comfortable with a brushed lining.





Available in cream and purple-navy.




クリーム: 染み込み
パープルネイビー: ラバー

胸のプリントは、ニューヨーク州の動物として正式指定されているビーバーがモチーフで、「CHAMPION TRACK CLUB(チャンピオン トラック クラブ)」のマスコットキャラクターとして表現したグラフィックです。
「TRACK CLUB」とは1970〜80年代のアメリカの陸上競技のクラブチームを意味する言葉です。
「CHAMPION TRACK CLUB」は、当時のスポーツスタイルをイメージし、アメリカ国旗にちなんだ赤・白・青のトリコロールや「NEW YORK(ニューヨーク)」をキーワードとして現代に提案するクラシックなスポーツスタイルです。

Cream: Stained
Purple Navy: Rubber The colors are washed in a process called “powder snow wash,” in which sand is rubbed into the fabric over time after the fabric is dyed, giving it a vintage look.
The print on the chest is a graphic motif of the beaver, officially designated as a New York State animal, expressed as the mascot character of the “CHAMPION TRACK CLUB”.
The name tag, which is made of thin, raw cotton material to create a classic look, is a limited edition design for the concept package.
TRACK CLUB” is a term used to describe American track and field club teams in the 1970s and 1980s.
CHAMPION TRACK CLUB” is a classic sports style inspired by the sports style of the time and proposed for the modern age with the keywords “NEW YORK” and the red, white and blue tricolor associated with the American flag.




Lining will be French terry finish (100% cotton).



着用サイズ: L
(身長: 165cm, 体重: 60kg)


The silhouette is authentic.



【champion】 10oz reverse weave crew neck sweat shirt
size: L
col: cream, purple navy
price: 11,880円(tax in)



LINK(men’s & lady’s select denim repair shop)
tel: 092-732-0447
time: 12:00~20:00(平日), 11:00~20:00(土、日、祝)